Friday, October 12, 2018

Essential Question: How do we use the definition of the derivative to find the derivative ? Why is a derivative important? How do we use the derivative to find the slope of a graph?

pg. 103-106 #1,8,9,14,19,21-23,26a, 35,39,40,41,42,45-48,51,52,75,78,83,84-88, 97,102-104

Probably 1 hour and 15 minutes of work

Due Date:  10-18-18  Thursday

30 hwk points

You must use the definition of the derivative to do the derivatives and not use a shortcut even if Mr. Himes has already shown you a shortcut.  If the shortcut is use a zero will be assigned as your grade.

REMINDER:  Major Quiz on the second half of chapter on 1-4,1-5, and 3-5 on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week (16th and 17th)

def of derivative notes

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