Monday, October 29, 2018

Essential Question: How do I take derivatives of functions involving products and quotients

pg. 126-129

#1,5,7,12,13,16,18,20,22,23,26,28,30,32,33,36,38,40,44,45,4,6,47,53,54,60,61,62,63a,66a,67a,74,82,85,87,94,98,99,102, 104,107,108, 109,111,112,118,131,132,133,135,136,137,139

Due Date: 11-2-18

Probably 1.5 hours of work

40 hwk points

Product and Quotient rule notes

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Due Dates from 10/18 to 10/29

HWK 2-2 Derivative rules part 1 

Pg. 115-116 #1,4,6,8,10,12,13,17,26,28,29,32,33,35,40,41,45,47,50,55a,58a,65,67

Probably 45 minutes of work

Due Date:  10-24-18

HWK 2-2 Derivative rules part 2

Pg. 115-118 #20,23,24,38,53,54,59,63,72-76,87,89,90,92,94, 97,98,99,100,101,103,117,118

Probably 45 minutes of work

Due Date:  10-26-18


Take Home Test:  

Assigned:   10-18-18
Due Date:  10-29-18
100 Product points

Benchmark Review Guide:  

Assigned: 10-18-18
Due Date:  10-26-18

50 Process points based on completion

Benchmark Exam (End of Quarter Exam #1)  :

Test date: 10-30-18

100 product points

It would be easy to get overwhelmed in this next 2 week period if you are not being proactive and working through things well ahead of time.  So I know it is a long weekend and you want to relax and enjoy it, but if you don't work for a couple of hours on your take home test/benchmark reveiw guide and get chunks of them done, next week will be a tremendous amount of work to get through.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Essential Question: How do we use the definition of the derivative to find the derivative ? Why is a derivative important? How do we use the derivative to find the slope of a graph?

pg. 103-106 #1,8,9,14,19,21-23,26a, 35,39,40,41,42,45-48,51,52,75,78,83,84-88, 97,102-104

Probably 1 hour and 15 minutes of work

Due Date:  10-18-18  Thursday

30 hwk points

You must use the definition of the derivative to do the derivatives and not use a shortcut even if Mr. Himes has already shown you a shortcut.  If the shortcut is use a zero will be assigned as your grade.

REMINDER:  Major Quiz on the second half of chapter on 1-4,1-5, and 3-5 on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week (16th and 17th)

def of derivative notes

Monday, October 8, 2018

Essential Question: What is a horizontal asymptote and how do I solve limits as they approcah infinity

Homework on HAT( p.205-206)

# 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,11,23,24,25,26,29,30,31,36,37,46,52,53,57,65,70,72,75,92)

Probably 45-50 minutes of work

Due Date: 10/11/18

20 hwk points

Spiral Review due 10/11 

Quiz on 10/16 and 10/17

HAT notes 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Essential Question: How do I solve calculus problems involving continuity and one sided limits, and use the intermediate value theorem

PG 79-81

# 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 65, 66, 67, 84, 89, 92, 93, 94, 103

Might want to re-look at problems #58,#59, #96 from last assignment and make sure you understand those concepts

Probably 1 hour of work

Due Date: 10-4-17 (Thursday
Will be graded for 20 points

Continuity notes complete